Visiting Lake Placid

This weekend I took a quick trip to Lake Placid to watch my dad ride in a 50k mountain bike race.  While I was there, naturally, I took some photos.

This is definitely the nicest Hampton Inn I’ve ever stayed in.  It reminds me of a wilderness lodge.

The view of Mirror Lake from the balcony was beautiful.

Zooming in a little, we see the lovely Mirror Lake Inn across the lake.

Zooming in a lot, I captured this pup fetching a ball.

This is the top of the Town Hall for North Elba and Lake Placid.

The Adirondacks off in the distance.

In the back you can see St. Eustace Episcopal Church.

The Lake Placid Club Boat House.

Some homes along Mirror Lake.

Gotta love that balcony view!

The Great Room of the Hampton Inn was gorgeous.

The sky looked ominous over the Mill Pond Dam.

The Hampton Inn at dusk.

I took this photo down by the shore of the lake.

Without my tripod handy, I was thankful for the 5D Mark IV’s excellent low-light performance.

I captured this shot from the balcony.

This shot is my favorite.

Another shot of the Mirror Lake Inn.

The start of the Wilmington Whiteface MTB.

Here come the riders!

Former Olympian Kevin Bouchard-Hall wins the 100k.

My dad crossing the finish line for his 50k.

My dad showing off his cool medal.

The Ausable River flows right by the location for the race.

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