New England Getaway 2021: An Epic Sunset Cruise

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This is the third post in my New England Getaway series. I previously blogged about my time in Salem and Gloucester, MA. Back in July while I was visiting Maine, I went on an incredible sunset cruise that took off from Bar Harbor and went all through the Mt. Desert Narrows and Frenchman’s Bay. At the end of a trip that presented with mostly overcast and rainy weather, this beautiful sunset cruise was a welcome change of scenery. In this post I will share some of my favorite photos from that evening.

Boarding the Eden Star in Bar Harbor.

A beautiful home on the ocean.

This home has a very unique modern look.

Egg Rock Lighthouse. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A seal balances on Egg Rock. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The seals were putting on quite a show! Click here to order a print of this photo.

The seals blend in easily with the rock. Click here to order a print of this photo.

I caught this little guy close up! Click here to order a print of this photo.

Me trying to capture some photos of the seals and simultaneously trying not to fall overboard!

A schooner can be seen off in the distance. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The Acadia Explorer, another sunset cruise ship, navigating the narrows.

Yellow Island is a privately owned island. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A cabin can be seen off in the distance with my telephoto lens.

Seagulls rest on a rock as the sun sets. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Bar Harbor can be seen off in the distance. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A sailboat can be seen off the coast of Bar Harbor. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Bar Harbor at sunset. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Great Head on Ironbound Island. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The sun sets behind Yellow Island.

A beautiful sunset on the placid water. Click here to order a print of this photo.

My dad looks out onto the beautiful scenery.

Long Porcupine Island is part of Acadia National Park. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Burnt Porcupine Island. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Taking in the sunset Click here to order a print of this photo.

Another sunset shot! Click here to order a print of this photo.

Bar Harbor can be seen faintly off in the distance in this photo. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The moon makes an appearance. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Even after the sun has set, the sky is still beautiful. Click here to order a print of this photo.

To see more of my travel photography be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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