Christmas on Cape Cod…2018 Edition

I went to spend time with family on Cape Cod for Christmas this year, and I came back with some photos to share with you.  Take a look down below!

This first photo is of Uncle Tim’s Bridge in Wellfleet.

This is the view from near Uncle Tim’s Bridge.

Here I am enjoying one of the last sunsets of 2018 at Mayo Beach in Wellfleet.  I took this photo myself by triggering my camera remotely with my phone.

The light changed very quickly.  It actually got more beautiful after the sun disappeared!

Here’s a shot looking back towards the Wellfleet Pier.

I love when the light turned pink.

A zoomed in version of the previous photo.

Everywhere there was just gorgeous light!

What an incredible sunset!

My aunt capturing a photo of the sunset.

Every few minutes the hue changes slightly.

I grabbed this shot with my telephoto lens.

Back at Uncle Tim’s Bridge, I captured this photo after sunset.

A few years ago, I captured a photo of Wellfleet Town Hall decorated for Christmas, but this year they’ve added more lighting to the building and it’s more festive than ever.

Winslow’s Tavern in Wellfleet looked festive with lights hung all around.

A favorite spot of my family is Lieutenant Island.  Here is the bridge to get on the island.

A wider shot, with the foreground lit by car headlights.

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