Visiting the Adirondack Wildlife Refuge

This weekend I visited the Adirondack Wildlife Refuge in Wilmington, NY with some photography friends.  The last time I was there was in 2013, and they’ve made a lot of changes there since then.  It was a unique opportunity to photograph wolves, coyotes, bears, owls, and other species.

Luvey, an ambassador bear cub.

Ahote, the other ambassador bear cub.

Ahote was playful!

Vicky is one of the resident coyotes.

Zeebie is one of the resident wolves.

Kiska is another one of the resident wolves.


Galileo is one of the resident coyotes.

One tired coyote!

A screech owl.

A saw whet owl in the visitor’s center.

A bald eagle.

Nikko, a silver fox.  What a cutie!

Wendy, one of the owners, with Jonas the red-tailed hawk.

A snowy owl.

Wendy with a barred owl.

Mark and Kiska.

Kiska catching some Zzz.

Afterward, we stopped by nearby Chapel Pond and I took this photograph.

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