Let It Snow: My Favorite Winter Weather Photos

Winter may not be the most pleasant season to photograph in, but its effects can be some of the most beautiful.  Over the years I have built up quite a collection of winter weather photos, and these are some of my favorites:

The Bench and Lamp Post

The fall colors can still be seen on the trees in this photo I took at Saratoga Spa State Park.

Nauset Light at Blue Hour

The blue hour can be almost as stunning as sunset.  It was worth standing in the freezing cold to capture this shot of Nauset Light in Eastham, MA, under blue-purple skies.

Portrait of a Reenactor (2)

This man posing with his rifle represents a hunter-trapper who joined the militia to fight during the Revolutionary War.  He was kind enough to pose for this picture and tell me a bit about his position in the war during the Saratoga Battlefield’s Frost Faire.

Epic Sunset at Saratoga Spa State Park

I got to Saratoga Spa State Park just in time to catch this gorgeous sunset.  It was just below freezing, but the wind chill made it feel a lot colder.  After I took this shot with my 10 stop neutral density filter, I went to unscrew it, and it was frozen stuck!  I tried and I tried, and it wouldn’t budge (as the sun is making its grand exit!).  I finally, after moving my tripod and camera into a sheltered area and rubbing my hand warmer on it, got it off, but by that point the sun had set.

Glens Falls at Night

It’s hard to believe this photo of Glens Falls, NY, was taken in mid-February.  The Christmas decorations were still up, but they added some festivity to the photo!

Saratoga Springs Visitors Center

On a chilly winter evening I took the above photo of the Saratoga Springs Visitor Center just as the sun was setting.

Heading Into the Bokeh

I took this photo of a couple walking on a snowy evening shortly after I purchased my 135mm lens.

A Fresh Coat of Snow

Snowy pine trees are a hallmark of winter.

Another One from the Congress Park Trees Series

I love photographing trees, something that is evident in this post.  The above snow-covered trees are located in Congress Park in Saratoga.

Haupt Pond Covered in Snow

I love this covered picnic area on Haupt Pond on Skidmore College’s campus.  It made a great subject for this snowy photo.

I took this photo of snow covered trees at Haviland Cove Park in Glens Falls a few years ago.

Tang Museum in Winter

Behind the trees in this photo is Skidmore’s architecturally unique Tang Museum.  A mostly blue photo except for the yellow tint of the light inside.

Snowmobiles on Lake George

A few years ago I attended the Lake George winter carnival and took this photo of snowmobiles and snowmobilers on the frozen lake.

Merry Christmas!

This past December, I walked around Congress Park in the evening to get this photo of the Christmas tree at the war memorial.

Snow Take 2

This was the first photo I took in 2017.  At midnight on January 1, the snow started to fall, and I took this photo.

Snowy Creek

One of my new favorite photo locations is Spring Run Trail.  After a fresh snowfall, it looked like a winter wonderland.

Native Dancer at Night

The Native Dancer statue has become a landmark of Saratoga.  I took this photo after walking around Congress Park shortly before Christmas.

So, those are my favorite winter weather photos.  Where’s your favorite place to shoot in winter?

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