Pacific Northwest Trip Part II: Timberline Lodge Area

In my last post, I shared photos from the Columbia River Gorge Area.  In this post, I will share some photos I took at the Timberline Lodge and surrounding area.

The Timberline Lodge in Oregon was built in 1937 as part of FDR’s Works Progress Administration.  Today, it is probably best known for standing in as the Overlook Hotel in the classic horror movie The Shining.

The Lodge is located right on Mt. Hood, so you get an incredible view of the summit.

A beautiful sunset allowed for this photo out the window of the dining room.

Mt. Jefferson at Sunset

Mt. Jefferson was visible from my room, so with telephoto mounted, I got this photo at sunset.

Then, at night, I got this photo from the same spot.

Tea, coffee, and a view of Mt. Hood are available in the morning.  Well, as you might have guessed, that view of Mt. Hood is available all day.

The lobby has a large fireplace and a plaque with information about the mountain.

The exterior of the hotel is certainly recognizable to fans of The Shining.

Trillium Lake

Nearby, Trillium Lake offers this beautiful view of Mt. Hood.  I slapped a neutral density filter on my lens and took this long exposure.

Beautiful carvings on the wall depict pioneer times.

Heidi the St. Bernard is one of two dog mascots the hotel has (and the only one I met).  She was a bit tired when I met her.

Carvings of animals sit at the tops and bottoms of the staircases.

The Lodge with Mt. Hood in the background.

The front entrance to the Lodge.

You take take a look at this fake axe meant to resemble the one used in The Shining.

This photo of the room doesn’t do justice to the view of Mt. Jefferson.

Timberline Lodge

It was very foggy and cloudy when it was time to leave!

The Wyeast Dat Lodge is separate from the main building and caters to the skiers who come to the area.

Another view of Mt. Hood that I took on the plane.

Stay tuned for my next post, where I’ll share photos of the Oregon Coast!

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