Glens Falls at Dusk

Yesterday my friend Barb and I, anxious to get out and take some photos despite the winter weather, headed up to Glens Falls for some dusk shots.  We were cold, but thanks to Barb’s toe warmers, we lasted a lot longer.

The Glens Falls National Bank is located on Glen Street, where we took most of our photos.

The Crandall Public Library is impressively large.

I did a lot of semi-long exposures to get the cars moving by.

I just love this clock.  I took a picture of it last year facing the other direction.

A black and white photo to mix things up.

The clouds started to get pink right about here.

Looking up Glen Street.

There are so many beautiful buildings on Glen Street!

Inside Crandall Library

Glen Street at Dusk, Part II

The beautiful blue hour finally arrived and the lights came on, making everything look magical.

We took a few shots in the park at the end of Glen Street as it started to get dark.

Crandall Library’s older wing.

Barb and I being goofy!

Glen Street at Dusk

A few more shots on Glen Street as it started to get dark.

I love all the lights!

Lights lighting up an alley way from across the street and up close.

Bonus!  We came back to Saratoga and ate dinner downtown.  Here’s a photo of Caroline Street.

After looking through my photos, I realized that flipping through them sort of looked like a time lapse video, so I made one.  It’s not perfect because I didn’t use a tripod, but I thought it was worth sharing:

Glens Falls at Dusk from Samantha Decker on Vimeo.

All photos in this post are © Samantha Decker and may not be used without permission.

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