Saratoga Springs…from Above!

Downtown Saratoga Springs from above. Click here to order a print of this photo (without the text).

I recently took a helicopter tour of my hometown of Saratoga Springs, NY with Independent Helicopters to photograph the town from a different perspective than I’m used to.  I’m excited to share some of the shots I took in this post.

In this photo, you can see the Saratoga Spa State Park (the golf course, the Victoria Pool in the center, and the Hall of Springs on the left) and downtown off in the distance. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Picture above is a closer look at the Hall of Springs area of the State Park. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Another golf course, Saratoga National, and Lake Lonely. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Looking out at Saratoga Lake. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Above is one of my favorite photos, featuring downtown Saratoga and Broadway cutting right through it. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A view of Loughberry Lake in Saratoga Springs with Wilton in the background. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Saratoga Lake and Fish Creek are pictured here. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Lake Avenue School is located close to downtown. This school has had several iterations. When my grandparents attended, it was the city’s high school. When my mother attended, it was by that time the junior high school, and the high school had moved to its present location. When I attended it briefly, it was (and still is) an elementary school.

And there’s our wonderful public library, which just celebrated its twentieth year at its current location.

In this photo you can see the Oklahoma Training Track and the Flat Track as well as Saratoga off in the distance. © Samantha Decker. All rights reserved.

The beautiful Oklahoma Training Track, where I have spent many a sunrise.

Another photo of downtown, approaching it from the east. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The beautiful Yaddo mansion, now an artists retreat.

School sweet school!  We couldn’t not fly over my alma mater middle school, which is also the place where I happen to teach.

And now a dramatic sunset shot of my high school.  I actually didn’t recognize it at first!

Above and below, the famed Saratoga Race Course, which doubles our city’s population during the summer.

Congress Park can be seen at the bottom center of the photo above. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Above is the harness track and the Saratoga Casino and Raceway.

Pictured here are more of the colorful buildings of Saratoga’s downtown (with Broadway at the bottom).

Thanks to pilot Heather Howley for taking this photo of me on the tour!

Here’s another photo of Saratoga Lake, almost recognizable from up here! Click here to order a print of this photo.

After we landed, I also took a shot of Heather and the aircraft we rode in.  I wish I could do that every day!

To see more of my Saratoga area photography be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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