Saratoga Through the Seasons, Part III: Saratoga Surroundings

This is the third and final post in a new series-within-a-series that I’m doing as part of my Hometown Pride series:  Saratoga Area Through the seasons.  Over the years I have taken tens of thousands of photos in and around my hometown of Saratoga Springs, NY.  Over time I came to realize I have photos of various landmarks in multiple seasons, sometimes all four.  Click here to read my first post, where I shared some photos I have taken through the seasons in downtown Saratoga, and click here to read my second post, where I shared some photos through the seasons in the rest of Saratoga. In this post I will share some photos I have taken through the seasons in the areas around Saratoga.

This first set was taken in Crandall Park in Glens Falls, one of my favorite photo spots.  Above, here  is one of the bridges in summer.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Now here is that same bridge in winter.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Now, here it is on an eerie fall day.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

This is a view from Haviland Cove Park in Glens Falls, with the South Glens Falls Hydroelectric Plant seen across the Hudson River.

Here is that same view on a cool winter evening.

I’ve always loved photographing the gazebo in Glens Falls’ City Park.  Above, here it is in summer.

And here it is all decked out for Christmas.

The above photo was taken somewhere over Glens Falls or South Glens Falls in late summer, right on the cusp of Saratoga and Warren Counties.  I was riding in a hot air balloon and photographing this other balloon from afar.  Click here to order a print of this photo.
For the above fall photo, I was in just about the same spot, but riding in a Cessna Skyhawk.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

The above photo features two of my favorite retired thoroughbreds, Red Down South and Zippy Chippy, residents of Old Friends at Cabin Creek in Greenfield.  Zippy is famous for having a record of 0-100, and in fact he even has a biography, which you can purchase at the farm’s gift shop (I own a copy and I should share that it comes with a copy of Zippy’s autograph!).  Click here to order a print of this photo.  Please be aware that I donate 100% of my profits from print sales of the thoroughbreds of Cabin Creek to the farm to help take care of the boys.
Here’s another photo of Red and Zippy in summer, being hams!  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Another popular resident of Cabin Creek is King Congie, pictured above in summer.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here’s Congie at that same spot in winter.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here he is again in late fall.  Click here to order a print of this photo.


This fine looking equine is Max of Nipper Knolls Equine Center in Granville, NY, photographed above in summer.  Click here to order a print of this photo.  Please be aware that I donate 100% of my profits from print sales of the horses of Nipper Knolls to the organization to help fund their therapeutic riding program for kids with different abilities and their 1:1 veterans horsemanship program.

Here’s Maxie running through the snow in winter.  One of my favorite photos of him!  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here’s a photo I took of Parker’s Dairy in Granville off in the distance from Nipper Knolls’ facility on a gorgeous fall day.

Here’s the same dairy farm in winter.

In the above photo, retired Park Ranger Joe Craig leads a demonstration at the Saratoga Battlefield’s annual winter Frost Faire in Stillwater.

In just about the same spot a few years prior, I captured the fife and drum corps playing a traditional colonial melody on the Fourth of July during the Battlefield’s annual Independence Day festivities, which includes a U.S. citizenship ceremony.

On a fall evening, I captured this cannon outside the Visitors Center where the other photos were taken, this time without another person in sight.

Also at the Saratoga Battlefield, on a glorious summer morning in 2014, I captured this breathtaking sunrise outside the Neilson House.  It was worth waking up early for!
Now here is the Neilson House on a cool winter day.

And yet again in fall.  I guess I need to go back in spring.

Let’s head over to the town of Edinburg, which is definitely not in Scotland, where a number of times I have photographed Beecher Creek Falls.  Above, here are the falls in summer.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Perhaps even prettier are the falls in, well, fall.  Also, let it be known that this area can get very slippery and I’m extremely lucky neither I or my gear were injured in the process of taking this photo.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Most people go to Moreau Lake in Gansevoort in the summer to take a dip in the water.  This past summer I went solely to take some photos.  I took the above photo with my neutral density filter, which allows me to take a long exposure in broad daylight.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here is the same view on a cool spring day.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here is the same scene in winter.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

I took this photo of Saratoga Lake frozen over, probably somewhere in the town of Stillwater.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here is the lake in about the same spot on a summer day.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Maple Avenue Middle School, where I teach, is so large, that part of the campus is in Wilton, most of the campus is in Greenfield, and even a teeny bit of the campus is in Saratoga.  So I’ve categorized it as being a “Saratoga surrounding.”  I’ve been so lucky to get to fly over my alma mater and place of employment, not once, but twice.  The above photo was taken from a Cessna Skyhawk in fall.

This photo was taken from a helicopter on a beautiful summer evening.  This was the first time I got to fly over the school.  I teared up a bit seeing it from this perspective.  It’s really neat to see a place that’s special to you from above.

Lake George is a place I’ve frequented many times, in every season.  Above is a photo of the Lac du Saint-Sacrément across the lake in fall.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here is the same view, with some hockey players on the lake during the annual winter carnival.

And here is the same scene again, zoomed out a bit, in spring.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here’s the Lac du Saint-Sacrément from a different angle.  I took this photograph in February during the fireworks show that ended Lake George’s annual winter carnival.

Here is that same spot on a beautiful fall afternoon.

I captured the above photo in spring.

And finally, here is the same scene in early summer.

I captured this view of the lake on a cold winter evening.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Now here is almost that exact same spot in fall.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

Paul Bunyan is easily visible as part of the Around the World Miniature Golf course in Lake George, photographed here in summer.

And here is the golf course in summer, when it is open.

I snagged this photo of the Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing on a summer morning with my telephoto lens from a spot called the Pinnacle.

I took this aerial photo of the Sagamore from a Cessna Skyhawk in fall.

I took this photo of Lake George from a spot called Stewart’s Ledge on a fall evening.  Click here to order a print of this photo.

This photo of the lake was again taken from the Pinnacle in summer  Click here to order a print of this photo.

To see more of my photography of Saratoga and the surrounding areas, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.


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