Saratoga Battlefield Frost Faire 2015

I attended the Saratoga Battlefield’s Frost Faire for the first time this weekend.  I got some great shots with the reenactors posing on a fresh coat of snow, and it wasn’t all too cold out to boot!

Soldiers Standing Tall

The soldiers posing during a cannon firing demonstration.

Ranger William Valosin poses for a photo.

Ranger Joe Craig addresses the crowd.

Range Joe Addresses the Crowd

A few more shots of the reenactors.

Cleaning the cannon, and then, boom!

A rifle demonstration.

Portrait of a Reenactor (2)

A reenactor representing a hunter-trapper who joined the militia during the Revolutionary War.  He was very kind about explaining his role to me and posing for a couple of photos.

Portrait of a Reenactor (1)

In the theater, kids got to dress up in Revolutionary attire.

Three soldiers posing for a portrait.

Back in Time

Maybe I have my timeline askew, but I didn’t think cellular technology was available during the Revolution?

The finale of the day was photographing the horse drawn carriages arrive outside the visitor’s center.

Horse Drawn Carriage at the Frost Faire

The Lonely Neilson House in Winter

After the Frost Faire was over, I made the trek up to the Neilson Farm to get some shots of this beautiful house in winter.

The Neilson House in Winter

Sunset Over a Frozen Saratoga Lake

On the way back, the sun was setting over the snow and ice covered lake, so I stopped to take a photo.

Tools I used to create the photos this post:  Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM, Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, Canon EF 135mm f/2.0L USM

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