40 Photography Ideas & Resolutions for 2015

Ideas 1, 8, 12, and 27 in action.

Ok, the ball has dropped, the new year has arrived, and now what?  Well, surely you made some photography-related resolutions, didn’t you?  I really hope you did, but if you didn’t, I’ve compiled a list of 40 ideas and resolutions for you to apply this year.  Certainly you won’t have time to try all of them, but pick three or four and really work hard at them.  Then, next year you can scratch a few more off the list.

  1. Try a new style of photography (macro, street, night sky anyone?)
  2. Bring less gear with you
  3. Learn or improve your skills with off-camera flash
  4. Join a photography group or club
  5. Start a photo blog
  6. Do a 365 project
  7. Do a 52 week project
  8. Get off auto mode!
  9. Actually print your photos
  10. Stop upgrading and make the most of what you have
  11. Use prime lenses more often
  12. Try capturing a familiar place in different seasons or times of day
  13. Rent a lens (it’s fun!)
  14. Photograph fireworks -with or without a tripod
  15. Learn how to do time-lapse photography
  16. Try analog photography
  17. Aim to get it as right as you can in camera
  18. Enter a photo contest (or several)
  19. Get rid of (sell) that gear you aren’t using
  20. Find ways to make money from your photography
  21. Look for new hidden hideaways near home to photograph
  22. Put that camera down every now and then and enjoy the moment!
  23. Spend more time composing before you press the shutter
  24. Make a DIY accessory for your camera
  25. Include more people in your landscape photos
  26. Include more environment in your people photos
  27. Photograph the milky way
  28. Use motion blur creatively
  29. Try light painting
  30. Try new angles – get down low or up high for a photo
  31. Teach someone something about photography
  32. Learn about a famous photographer
  33. Swap lenses with a friend for a day (if you use the same system)
  34. Use a neutral density filter
  35. Capture more sunrises and sunsets
  36. Walk the extra mile to get the good shot
  37. Incorporate your photography into a gift
  38. Reprocess some of your old photos with your new skills
  39. Get some old negatives or slides scanned and breathe some life into your analog photos
  40. Participate in an online photo community (forum, Facebook group, blog, etc)
What’s you’re photography resolution for 2015?
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