Old Sturbridge Village

Back in August, I went to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts with my photography club. OSV, as it’s abbreviated, is a recreation of an early 19th century New England town.

Upon first arriving, we saw these American flags planted in the ground, one for each person who donated to sponsor a military family’s visit to OSV.

There are lots of folks dressed in period clothing, ready to share information about daily life in 19th century New England.

Here's Looking at You, Cow!

Transportation at Old Sturbridge Village

Visitors can ride in the horse-drawn carriage.

Fitch House Parlor, Old Sturbridge Village

According to OSV’s website, the Fitch House, whose parlor is pictured above, a village tradesman’s house, was moved from Connecticut to its present site in 1939.

Sturbridge Villager
This man was a voice teacher.
I made a lot of 2 and 3 shot panoramas with my 50mm and 135mm lenses.

Talking to the Sheep

Meet the Calf
This baby calf was only a few months old!

Ruby Slippers

Watching a grist mill demonstration (above).
Portrait of a Potter

A machine for carding wool (above).

The tinsmith and his apprentice hard at work.

Old Sturbridge Village Tinsmith

Tools I used to create the photos this post:  Canon EOS 6D, Zenitar 16mm f/2.8 Fisheye, Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USMCanon EF 135mm f/2.0L USM, Adobe Photoshop CS6

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