Saratoga Area Through the Seasons, Part I: Downtown Saratoga

This is the first in a new series-within-a-series that I’m doing as part of my Hometown Pride series:  Saratoga Area Through the seasons.  Over the years I have taken tens of thousands of photos in and around my hometown of Saratoga Springs, NY.  Over time I came to realize I have photos of various landmarks in multiple seasons, sometimes all four.  In this post I will share some photos I have taken through the seasons in downtown Saratoga.

The Saratoga Springs Public Library (which I love, by the way), with the trees that line the entry way covered in snow, earlier this year.

The library from a slightly different angle in fall, with the trees looking quite different.  In this photo you can also see the beautiful mosaics on the steps.

Here’s the library from above during the summer, and the trees are fully green in this shot.
Congress Park Centre captured on a winter evening.

The same spot on a spring evening.
The Lake Ave. Fire Station (which, geographically, is pretty much downtown, in my opinion) in summer.  Note the flower pots, always so well appointed, as they change by season.

The firehouse in October, with fall-themed flowers.

Finally, here it is on a winter night!  I snapped this photo after attending the Victorian Streetwalk.
Saratoga residents and visitors alike have varying opinions about the tastes of the different springs.  I, for one, personally love the heavy mineral taste of Hathorn Spring outside of Congress Park and can often be seen helping myself to a drink whenever I walk by it.  Here it is on a particularly snowy day.
In summer this beautiful display of flowers can be seen lining the path up to it.
And in fall, the scene is equally colorful with the changing foliage.

In this photo of downtown Saratoga from above, you can see the fall foliage changing colors/
This photo, taken from the opposite direction, was snapped during summer.

Broadway is abustle during the 2016 Victorian Streetwalk.
The same spot on Broadway captured in spring.

I captured this photo of the Native Dancer statue outside Congress Park in spring.  Note that this was a placeholder statue, which was subsequently replaced with the final statue featuring a jockey (see below).

The final statue, captured in winter.

Columbian Spring can be seen here in the thick of winter.

And here it is on a fall afternoon.

I have photographed the War Memorial in Congress Park in all four seasons.  Above, in fall.

In winter, a tree is set up inside.

In late summer, I photographed these ducks by the side of the pond.

I photographed these beautiful blossoms in spring.

The Congress Park Carousel is another landmark I’ve captured in all four seasons.  Above you can see it on a spring evening.

This photo was clearly taken in winter.

Lots of children in costumes can be seen approaching the carousel on the day of the Saratoga Downtown Business Association Fall Festival.

I captured these ominous skies on a summer morning.

Here’s a tree in Congress Park I captured in winter.

My colleague’s son can be seen hugging that same tree in spring.  It looks a lot bigger with a kid next to it, doesn’t it?

I captured the Spirit of Life and reflecting pool in Congress Park on a summer evening.
The same scene can be seen here on a fall afternoon.
And here it is in winter, looking quite different.

This beautiful tree that used to stand in Congress Park was captured above on a spring evening.

Here is the same tree in summer.

Here is the same tree in winter.

The snow can be seen coming down in this winter photo of the Canfield Casino in Congress Park.

Here is the same building on a sunny spring afternoon.

Heading just outside downtown a bit, my friend Barb can be seen in this photo taking a photo on North Broadway.

This fall photo was taken in just about the same spot (facing the other direction).

I captured this photo at the entrance to Skidmore College (ok, not exactly downtown Saratoga, but close!) after a fresh snowfall.

The same entrance can be seen in the above fall photo.

Also just outside downtown, the Governor and Peerless Springs can be found in High Rock Park.  Above, they are seen on a winter night earlier this year.  Below, they are seen in summer.

Stay tuned for my next post in this series, featuring photos through the seasons in the rest of Saratoga!

To see more of my photography of the greater Saratoga area, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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