Hometown Pride: My Socially Distant Spring & Summer in the Saratoga Area

This is the latest post in my Hometown Pride series, where I share photos I have taken in and around my hometown of Saratoga Springs, NY.  In this post I will share the photos I have taken during the spring and summer of 2020 in my hometown area.  I was supposed to travel to British Columbia this summer, but obviously that trip had to be postponed.  I suppose I should just consider myself lucky that I live in a beautiful area with plenty of wonderful places to photograph in the mean time.

Here is a photo I took with my phone of my grandmother on her porch in Saratoga while I chat with her from a safe distance in her backyard.  Covid-19 has certainly made it harder to interact with friends and family in person, but luckily with the onset of warmer weather, setups like this became possible for us.  I had wished I had brought my camera with me that day, but these days phone cameras are capable of taking quite decent photos, and I was pretty pleased with how it came out.

Another photo I took with my phone (and did a fair amount of editing on my computer) of one of Saratoga’s feline residents.

There was a night in May when the trees and flowers were blooming but then it suddenly got cold and started snowing.  Welcome to Upstate New York!  I captured this crazy scene in my backyard in Saratoga.

Here’s a different view of the snow-covered blooms on this crab apple tree.

I captured some ominous skies over The Grove apartments in Saratoga.

Next door to The Grove, I captured those same dramatic skies over St. Clement’s Church.

Here’s another photo of my grandmother on her porch, but this was taken with my 135mm lens at her socially distanced birthday party.  She’s such a good sport about posing for photos!

I took this photo of the Spirit of Life in Congress Park in Saratoga earlier this summer.  Below is a different angle on it.

I also captured a dramatic sky over the Congress Park Carousel.

I met up with my friend Barb in Glens Falls for a photoshoot.  I took this photo at Crandall Park.

I loved this tree in City Park in Glens Falls.

Here’s a view of the gazebo at City Park.

Shown above is Crandall Public Library in City Park.

On evening there was a beautiful rainbow over Saratoga.  Below is another view of it; it’s kind of psychedelic!

I visited a new place called Lake Bonita which is located in Moreau Lake State Park in Gansevoort.

After visiting Lake Bonita, I headed over to Moreau Lake to take a couple photos.  The above and below photos were taken in the same spot but at different focal lengths, and I used a neutral density filter on the below photo to lengthen the exposure time.

Above are Red Down South and Zippy Chippy, retired thoroughbreds who live at Old Friends at Cabin Creek in Greenfield.  This is just a little preview of my recent equine photography, which is going to get its own subsequent post.  Until then, you may want to explore my previous posts in that category.

Here is a photo I triggered wirelessly of me and my cat Fran.  If you think I just plopped Fran on the windowsill and then set up this photo you are very wrong.  All photography of Fran occurs on Fran’s terms.  I must be prepared at all times for a shot!  This photo involved close to an hour of waiting.  This is another preview of my

I took this photo of Saratoga Lake near 550 Waterfront.

Waterfront Park where Fish Creek meets Saratoga Lake is a great spot for photos.

I just love this willow tree.

Recently there was an eerie beautiful light over Saratoga, where I captured this photo.

To see more of my photos of Saratoga and the surrounding areas, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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