A Winter Wonderland in Saratoga Springs

I recently ventured out in the winter weather in my hometown of Saratoga Springs to take a few photos.  What resulted I will share here in this post.

The snow was coming down hard as I photographed Hathorn Spring.

The Congress Park Carousel was closed, but it still made for a pretty photo.

Heading towards Canfield Casino.

A side view of Canfield Casino.

The fountain looked pretty sad.

The Casino was decorated with wreaths.

The tree has been put up in the War Memorial.

I always love photographing this tree.

Looking across the pond at the Casino.

Broadway looked festive.

A walk down Phila Street.

The Adelphi Hotel on Broadway has a Christmas tree on display.

The trees in Congress Park are always fun to photograph.

This may be my favorite photo of the War Memorial.

Yet another snowy scene.

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