Cape Cod in Spring (Plus Dog Portraits!)

I recently took a short trip to Cape Cod to visit family.  While I was there I saw the ocean and met some nice dogs.  I got to use my brand new (well, actually, gently used, but brand new to me) 5D Mark IV.  Here are some of the photos I took while I was there (above photo taken at Mayo Beach).

I photographed this flowering fruit tree in Orleans.

I got up close to the harbormaster house at Wellfleet Pier for this photo.  I used my circular polarizer filter to deepen the hue of the sky in most of these photos.

A boat docked at the pier.

Another view of the Wellfleet Pier, a location I’ve been visiting pretty much my whole life.

A telephoto view of the Wellfleet Congregational Church.

Next, it was off to Nauset Beach to get a view of the ocean!

I snapped this photo of the moon at Nauset Beach.  It was daytime, but I gave it a night time feel to add drama.  My new 5d Mark IV has 30 megapixels, so I was able to crop pretty generously.

I had to get a few photos of the beautiful Federated Church of Orleans,  just as the sun was beginning to set.

This church has apparently been around since 1646.


The blossoms seemed to frame the church perfectly.

This was a cool part of Orleans I had never been before.  I broke out my 10 stop neutral density filter and took some 30 second exposures.

Here’s a shot looking the other way.

I met some sweet doggies while I was there.  Here’s Rosie posing for me.

A closer shot of Rosie.

This is Chowder after eating a treat.

Rosie, Chowder, and Otis await treats.

Sweet Chowder.

Rosie shakes it off.

Otis looks back.

Chowder pauses for a photo.

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