Tampa Area Trip Part III: Visiting Zoo Tampa

This is my third in a series of posts where I share photos I took in the Tampa, FL area.  Click here to read my post featuring photos I took at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Florida Botanical Gardens, and George C. McGough Nature Park, and click here to view my post featuring photos I took of Gulf Coast sunsets.

This was my first time visiting Zoo Tampa.

I was really enamored with the orangutans.

I love these two little guys!

This guy looks pensive.

This little guy was the tiniest of all.

Just chillin’.

These beautiful lorikeets looked like they were having a conversation.

I captured this chimpanzee during a quiet moment.

The red-tailed guenons were very social.

Colubus monkeys are always fun to photograph.

The resident leopard was catching some ZZZs.

The tiger was looking pretty tired as well.

This giraffe was enjoying the shade.

Admittedly, the elephants at Disney’s Animal Kingdom are in a much more photogenic environment, but it’s still neat to be able to see them.

The zebras were fun to photograph.

This black bear was snacking on an apple.

One of the many pink flamingoes.

I was enthralled with Walter the Florida panther.

Isn’t he gorgeous?

I would not want to get too close to this alligator.

It’s hard to photograph manatees through the glass.

This bald eagle struck a regal pose.

This red fox was very interested in a small bird.

And here’s me feeding a giraffe!  Thanks for the photo, Terry!

Stay tuned for my next post, featuring photos I took at Big Cat Rescue!

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