Tampa Area Trip Part II: Gulf Coast Sunsets

This is my second in a series of posts where I share photos I took in the Tampa, FL area.  Click here to read my previous post featuring photos I took at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Florida Botanical Gardens, and George C. McGough Nature Park.  In this post I will share photos I took of sunsets on the Gulf of Mexico.

I snapped this photo on the way to Pier 60 in Clearwater Beach

Just another sunny afternoon in Florida!

We enjoyed some tasty drinks at Frenchy’s Saltwater Café!

We arrived at the beach shortly before sunset.

I put my neutral density filter on my lens and set up my tripod for this long exposure.

This one is a little more zoomed in.

After the sunset, I took this photo under the pier.

The other side of the pier offered a different perspective.

Once night fell, it was time to ride the ferris wheel!  I love riding ferris wheels at night; they offer such a great perspective for photos.

I love this shot looking out at the pier.  I had to use ISO 6400 to get a crisp shot, but luckily my camera handles that pretty well.

On my last night, we went to John’s Pass in Madeira Beach.  These birds were all hanging around waiting for a tarot reading.

The boardwalk was bustling!

My friend Terry suggested I try getting a photo under this bridge.

Well, the sunset wasn’t spectacular, but the colors were pretty.

I photographed this blue heron with my 135mm lens.

One last dip in the Gulf of Mexico before heading home!  Photo by Terry.

The blue heron makes a cameo in this photo looking back at the bridge as well.

There goes the sun!

Behind the rocks offers a different perspective.

I set up my tripod for this final shot before we called it a night.

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