A Pictorial Tribute to Cosmonaut

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If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re already aware that I volunteer at Old Friends at Cabin Creek in Greenfield, NY, a sanctuary for retired thoroughbred racehorses. Sadly, we lost one of our beloved equine residents, Cosmonaut, yesterday. Cosmonaut, who was 19, was one of our top earners, having brought in nearly $1.4 million in his racing days. Only one other current resident has out earned him. Although in his years at the farm he was a beautiful shade of light gray, he was much darker in his racing days. Before coming to Old Friends at Cabin Creek, Cosmo had a successful stud career, during which he sired 39 winners, earning a total of over $3 million. Volunteers often referred to his and his neighbor Commentators’ paddocks at the top of the hill as Millionaire’s row, as the pair were each won more than $1 million dollars. Saying good-bye to Cosmo and those who have predeceased him at the farm is a natural part of volunteering at a retirement sanctuary where these horses come to live out the rest of their lives with dignity, but it does not make it any easier. In this post I will share some favorite photos I have taken of Cosmonaut over the years. If you purchase any of them, as always, I donate my profit back to the farm to help take care of the boys. Additionally, if you’d like to make a donation to the farm directly in memory of Cosmo, please click here to visit our website where you can donate via PayPal.

Possibly the first photo I ever took of Cosmo while getting a tour of the farm in 2018 from now friend and fellow volunteer Wendy Marino, a few months before I began volunteering. I love the way the light is hitting his mane. Click here to order a print of this photo.
A similar portrait in monochrome. Click here to order a print of this photo.
Cosmo appears in this photo with his former neighbor, Slew’s Brew, who has since moved into a different paddock.
I used my telephoto lens to capture this photo of Cosmo standing by his gate. Click here to order a print of this photo.
Here’s a closer shot of Cosmo in his paddock. Click here to order a print of this photo.
Cosmo makes a cameo appearance in this fall photo I took at the farm. That’s Mr. Cowboy on the right, and over on the top left, Commentator, and next to him Cosmo. Click here to order a print of this photo.
Cosmo and his pal Commentator appear in this photo taken in early winter at the farm. Click here to order a print of this photo.
This winter portrait of Cosmo just may be my favorite photo of him. Click here to order a print of this photo.
I took this sunrise shot of Cosmo and Commentator in their paddocks this past summer. Click here to order a print of this photo.
This is the view from Cosmo’s paddock, looking down at the beautiful barn. Click here to order a print of this photo.
I took this photo of Cosmo with my phone. Click here to order a print of this photo.
This is another phone portrait. Click here to order a print of this photo.
One final portrait of Cosmo in his paddock. Click here to order a print of this photo.
Here’s a GIF of Cosmo adorably licking his lips in anticipation of a treat.
Cosmo on stall rest shortly before he passed. He was in good spirits and enjoyed getting lots of affection from the volunteers.

One thought on “A Pictorial Tribute to Cosmonaut

  1. Sweet Cosmo – so sad – but he was lucky to live out his years at such a beautiful and caring place.

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