Visiting Mystic Seaport

After visiting the Newport Mansions, I had a chance to tour Mystic Seaport in Connecticut.  In this post I’ll share some photos from that day.

A view down the Mystic River to the drawbridge.

The View from Mystic Seaport

A similar view from a lower vantage point.

Ship Chandlery, Plymouth Cordage Company, and in the background, the Joseph Conrad.

Charles W. Morgan

The Charles W. Morgan, one of the ships you can explore.

I took this photo inside one of the exhibits which had a diorama of Mystic Seaport.

The wood carving shop had a replica of the figurehead from the David Crockett.

Above and below, the outside and inside of the general store.  Every old town has one!

The pharmacy.

The doctor’s office, complete with folding examining table.

Inside the schoolhouse.

The Buckingham-Hall House, originally located in Saybrook, CT.

The kitchen of the Buckingham-Hall House, where an interpreter was making chowder and corn bread.

One of the bedrooms in the Buckingham-Hall House.

A view of the Mystic River from the Thomas Oyster Company.

Fishtown Chapel

The Fishtown Chapel.

Plymouth Cordage Company

Plymouth Cordage Company, where rope is made.

The blacksmith at work.

The many barrels inside the cooper’s shop.

The Joseph Conrad, another of the historic vessels you can explore.

A view across the Mystic River.

The captain’s wife’s cabin on the deck of the Charles W. Morgan.

Rather tight sleeping quarters inside the Morgan.

Brant Point Replica Lighthouse
The Brant Point Replica Lighthouse reflected in a puddle.

I also got some photos in the town of Mystic at night.  Above is Mystic Pizza, made famous by the movie of the same name it inspired.

Mystic River at Night II

Looking across the Mystic River.

Mystic River at Night

Looking across the river to the drawbridge.

Mystic Drawbridge

Up close and personal with the drawbridge.

That sums up my time in Mystic.  Have you ever been to Mystic?  What was your favorite part?

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