My Top 10 Autumn Photos

With fall upon us and not very many new photos to share with you, I decided to dig into the archives and share my top 10 autumn photos from years past.  Have a look below!

Spring Run Sunset
Spring Run Sunset, 10/16/15, Saratoga Springs, NY

A Beautiful Fall Sunrise on Saratoga Lake
A Beautiful Fall Sunrise on Saratoga Lake, 10/10/15, Saratoga Springs, NY

Lush Fall Foliage in Central ParkLush Fall Foliage in Central Park, 11/2/13, Central Park, New York, NY

A Beautiful Fall Afternoon in Lake George
A Beautiful Fall Afternoon in Lake George, 10/12/13, Lake George, NY

Sticking His Neck Out
Sticking His Neck Out, 11/9/14, Equine Advocates, Chatham, NY

A Fall Stroll in Saratoga
A Fall Stroll in Saratoga, 10/21/12, Saratoga Springs, NY A Morning Workout Under the Fall Foliage
A Morning Workout Under the Fall Foliage, 10/12/14, Saratoga Springs, NY

A Street Performer in Central Park (2)
A Street Performer in Central Park (2), 11/2/13, Central Park, New York, NY

An Evening Train Ride
An Evening Train Ride, 9/29/13, Saratoga-North Creek Railroad

The Beautiful Morning Light at the Oklahoma Track
The Beautiful Morning Light at the Oklahoma Track, 10/12/14, Saratoga Springs, NY

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