The Thankful Post

For those of us who live in the United States, Thanksgiving is upon us, and this time of year is as good a time as any to reflect on what we’re thankful for.  In this post, I’ll share some photos and thoughts that represent some of the things I am thankful for.

My country – I have always been a proud American, and I don’t take it for granted that I live in a country that not only upholds the values of a democracy, but that has men and women who are willing to fight for those values so that we can continue to live this free life.

My friends – Whether they are my photography friends, my high school friends, my college friends, or my work friends, I’m thankful to have a number of different groups of people I can join up with for an enjoyable time.

Travel – I really relish the opportunity to be able to see so many beautiful locations all over the U.S. and abroad.  When I was growing up, I didn’t travel nearly as extensively as I do now, so I can appreciate it all the more.

Old Hollywood – Being thankful for something like Old Hollywood may seem a bit trivial, but most of us have a genre of music or movies that we turn to unwind and just tune everything else out.  For me, this is it.  The movies and music of Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire, and many others are just about the best ever made in my opinion.  I can’t imagine a world without them!

Paris – Oh, Paris, how can I not be thankful for you?  Since I was a young teenager, I dreamed of visiting the city of lights and I could not wait to realize my dream of becoming a teenager.  Since then, I have visited la Ville Lumière four times (not enough!) and I did finally become the French teacher I always wanted to be.

Mother's Day Portrait of my Mom and Grandmother

My family – My mother and grandmother, above, are just two of many members of my family, and I am thankful for all of them.  We’re a fun, goofy, crazy, bunch, and we always have fun together!

Wishes from Tomorrowland Bridge

Disney – Disney has brought a lot of magic into my life.  I have been to Walt Disney World so many times, it feels like a home away from home.  There is something truly magical about Walt Disney World and just about anything else associated with Disney.

A Beautiful Morning at School

My profession – Photography is a part time profession for me.  My primary profession is teaching, and I could not be more thankful for it.  Not everyone gets to go into work every day and do something they dreamed about doing since junior high school, but I am lucky enough to say I do that.

Downtown Saratoga From Above

My hometown – I grew up in an awesome town!  Saratoga Springs, NY is small enough to have small-town charm, but large enough to have lots going on.  There is so much to photograph, and lots to see and do, and I get to call it my home.

Happy Kitty

Casey – How could one not be thankful for this little guy?

A Rainbow Over Moraine Lake

Seeing the world’s natural beauty – I am thankful that there are so many beautiful places in the world open to the public, and that so many of them are protected lands.  The National Park System (not just in the US, but in other countries as well) makes the process of seeing these beautiful lands much easier by making them traveler-friendly.

Photography – Photography fulfills my creative side.  When I go on vacation, I don’t buy very many souvenirs, but I come back with thousands of photos.  I am thankful to have come of age in the digital era.  Not having to buy film has not only sped up the learning process, it has saved countless dollars on film and guarantees that you come back with the shot you wanted.

So, those are some of the things I am thankful for.  What are you thankful for?

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