10 Creative Videos That Photographers Can Appreciate

While this is primarily a photography blog, I myself dabble in video from time to time and like to feature it here as well.  After all, Through the Glass could just as easily refer to videography as it does to photography.

The ten videos in this post seem almost an extension of photography to me.  They take an idea that often originated in a photograph and take it to the next level, or they use a series of photographs to create a video.  I think you’ll find that they provide you with inspiration for both media.

When I first saw this footage of London by itself, I was captivated by the color, such a rarity for a video in the 1920s.  I’m quite a fan of then and now (see my own then and now posts), so I especially appreciated seeing it done in a video.

Time lapses are really just videos created from photos, and this time lapse is unique because it takes the concept of light painting to a new level, actually using it as a way to animate a character.

Another time lapse video, but this one is creating using images from Google Maps Street View.  The tiny planet photography fad seems to have come and gone, but seeing it in a video breathes new light into it.

This video is just pure genius.  A mostly stop-motion video, it tells the story of a lonely desk toy and the trip he takes with Google Maps Street View.

This video puts a unique twist on the concept of time lapse.  It’s such a simple idea, but so nicely executed, I can’t help thinking I’d like to try the same thing.

I love parallax videos.  The idea that a single photo, with a lot of post-processing trickery, can be turned into a video, is just mind-blowing to me.

Another parallax video, this one shows how the effect can be done with landscapes.

Move is a brilliant idea.  It’s simple but so well executed.

This is what happens when you combine creativity with technical expertise.  If you like stop motion videos, you’ll love this.

The tilt shift time lapse has become pretty trendy, but I remember this video as being the first of its kind that I saw.  What more fascinating subject to turn miniature than the Magic Kingdom?

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