Remembering Cool N Collective

At Old Friends at Cabin Creek in Greenfield, NY, we are all deeply saddened by the passing of 25-year-old gelding Cool N Collective, whom we lost the last week of December. In this post, I’ll share some favorite photos I took of Cool over the years. As always, if you purchase prints of any of these photos, I will donate my profit to the farm to help take care of Cool’s friends.

The first time I met Cool was on a tour of the farm in 2018. Here he is standing next to his pal Smokey’s sign. Click here to order a print of this photo.

This is one of my favorite photos of Cool, taken in 2019. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The golden morning light hits Cool’s face in this 2021 photo.

Cool and his pal Smokey graze in their paddock.

Another early morning portrait of Cool.

Protected by his fly mask, Cool accepts a treat from my dad.

A phone portrait of Cool.

Another phone shot. I loved how Cool and Smokey were facing each other. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Volunteer Dory gives Cool a treat.

Another phone portrait. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Cool and Smokey “horse” around.

One of my favorite photos of Cool with Smokey. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Volunteer Barb poses with Cool on spring vaccination day.

When a new horse comes to the farm, it’s not just of interest to his paddock mate. The whole herd gets excited, especially those in neighboring paddocks. Here, Cool and Smokey investigate the situation as Bold Illusion is brought to the farm.

Cool gets another treat.

Cool and Smokey head over for treats.

My dad gives Cool some grain.

Cool enjoys a roll around in the dirt. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Cool looks like he’s sleeping in this photo, but he’s really just rolling around. Click here to order a print of this photo.

I love this photo of Cool in the rain. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Another photo of Cool in the rain. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Cool trots around his paddock. Click here to order a print of this photo.

I love the way Cool’s mane is windswept in this photo.

Cool in fall.

Another fall portrait of Cool, with Smokey in the background.

Fellow photographer Connie Bush leans forward to get the perfect shot.

Cool and Smokey cast shadows in the paddock from the late afternoon sun.

One final portrait of one Cool horse who left us too soon. This is one of the last photos I took of him.

Last year I made this illustration of JoAnn Pepper leading Cool in his paddock. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Finally, I made this video, comprised of the photos in this post and many more. Email subscribers, click here to watch the video.

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