Spring 2023 at Mahoney Eden Manor

Qualifying and her King for a Day filly run in the field.

It’s officially summer, so it’s time for me to recap my spring farm photos. Up first is Mahoney Eden Manor, the thoroughbred breeding farm in Saratoga that I visit frequently. Click here to view previous posts about Mahoney Eden Manor.

Gemini Witch and her Big Brown colt, aka The Brown Egg, look down at me from up the hill.

Lost Innocence, aka Lucy, and her Mendelssohn filly, aka Black Beauty, share an affectionate moment.

A portrait of Dinner for Two’s King for a Day colt.

A close up of Lucy and Beauty.

I love this one of Gemini Witch and the Brown Egg.

A car pulling away excites the mamas and babies.

Hi, Hennyville!

Indian Splendor runs up the hill.

I love any opportunity to get the willow trees in the background.

The Brown Egg zips by me. If you have any doubt on whether Thoroughbreds like to run, here is proof!

Gemini Witch and the Brown Egg run up the hill.

…And then back down it!

Qualifying and her King for a Day filly. I made a series of illustrations based on this photo.

Qualifying’s filly on the run.

Lexi and Britt bring the mamas and babies in for the night.

This beautiful palomino warmblood is a Utopie colt out of Maxine.

Maxine and her colt look over at me from across the paddock.

Maxine and her colt share an affectionate moment.

One more of this beautiful pair!

Qualifying and her filly with Lucy and Beauty visible in the background.

Black Beauty goes for a run.

Lucy and Beauty on the move.

Hennyville watches as her Raging Bull colt lounges in the hay.

A portrait of Hennyville’s colt.

Sylvester the cat keeps me company while I take photos.

I’m quite partial to cats, so I enjoy the company.

Newly retired from racing Big Time Lady.

Hennyville looks out from her stall in the barn as her Raging Bull colt tries to peer out, not quite tall enough yet!

Hennyville’s colt in black and white.

To see more of my equine photography be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. To see more of my equine illustrations, follow @togadoodles on Instagram. All photos and illustrations in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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