Ottawa Area Trip Part II: Exploring Glengarry

This is my second post in a series where I share photos I took in the Ottawa area.  Click here to view my photos of the Almanzo Wilder Farm.  In this post I’ll share photos I took in Glengarry, Ontario, where my ancestors settled when they came over from Isle of Skye, Scotland.

This bridge connects New York State to Cornwall Island, Ontario.  The funny thing about Cornwall Island is there is no customs checkpoint.  You have to keep going into Cornwall to pass through customs.

The first stop at Glengarry was the St. Raphael Ruins, a church which burned down in 1970.

Today visitors can tour what remains of the original church.

The fisheye lens allows for a wider perspective.

A view of the outside of the ruins.

My next stop was the Glengarry Pioneer Museum, a collection of 19th and early 20th century historical buildings from the area.  Above is the Big Beaver School, built around 1910.

I absolutely love old school houses because I am a teacher.  Do you see the British flag?  Canadians were considered British citizens until the 1940s when Canadian citizenship was established.

I love the horse on top of this barn.

The blacksmith shop.

Inside the blacksmith shop.

This barn housed many tools and machines.

Looking through a barn.

The Roxborough Township Hall was moved to this location.

A water well.

The Star Inn is located here in its original location.  First it was a settler’s home, then a store, then a hotel.

Sometimes church services were held on the second floor landing.

This bar inside the hotel is believed to be one of the oldest bars in eastern Ontario.

Inside the kitchen.

This little building is a cheese factory.

This building is now used as the visitors center.

In my next post, I’ll share photos I took in Ottawa!

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