Newfoundland and St. Pierre Trip Part III: Elliston & Bonavista

This is my third post in my series chronicling my travels through Newfoundland and the French Territory of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.  Click here to see my photos of St. John’s and click here to see my photos of Trinity.  In today’s post, I’ll share my photos from Elliston and Bonavista, Newfoundland.

In Newfoundland (and also in Saint Pierre and Miquelon) it seems nearly everyone opts to hang their clothes out to dry.  Since Elliston is called the root cellar capital of the world, I figured capturing laundry and a root cellar in one photo was a really good find.

Being in the root cellar capital of the world, I had to get the obligatory root cellar shot.

In case you’re wondering, this is what it looks like inside.

Elliston may be the root cellar capital of the world, but it may as well be the puffin capital of the world as well.  At the puffin viewing site, you can see literally hundreds of puffins!

A fun challenge for my new camera and telephoto lens.

After waiting a long time, finally one got close enough for me to really zoom in on.

The scenery around the puffin viewing site was gorgeous.
Yours truly posing after I got my puffin shots!

Anyone who reads my blog knows that over the past year I have become quite a lover of horses, so I was excited to see these friendly equines on the side of the road in Bonavista.

They seemed to like greeting passersby!

Such beautiful faces.

In Bonavista, I had a chance to visit the unique looking Cape Bonavista Lighthouse.

Inside the lighthouse, you can tour the light keeper’s quarters.

This is the summer kitchen, complete with the tub that the whole family got to wash in, one by one, from oldest to youngest.

The woodworking shop can be seen in this photo.

Here we have the children’s bedroom.

And at the top of the lighthouse, the lantern room.

Another view of the Cape Bonavista Lighthouse.

Dungeon Provincial Park, near Bonavista, features this view of a partially collapsed sea cave.  Not exactly worth a long trek, but something to check out if you’re in the area.

More laundry!

Another site to visit in Bonavista is the Mockbeggar Plantation, the former home of politician F. Gordon Bradley.

The pantry looks out onto the spacious yard.

I took out my fisheye lens to capture wide views of rooms such as the kitchen.

…And the dining room.

…And the bedroom.

Stay tuned for my next post, where I share photos I took at the Random Passage Site in New Bonaventure!

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