Summer Throwback: Visiting Acadia National Park

A view from Cadillac Mountain. Click here to order a print of this photo (without the text).

Would you believe I still haven’t finished blogging about my New England vacation from last summer? So far I have shared photos of my visits to Salem and Gloucester in Massacussetts, a sunset cruise through the Mt. Desert Narrows of Maine, and most recently, Bar Harbor, Maine. In this post I will share photos from Maine’s only National Park, Acadia.

Thunder Hole is one of the most visited sites in Acadia. The spray of ocean water makes for some unique photos. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Another photo I took at Thunder Hole.

I spotted this fishing shack on Otter Creek near Thunder Hole.

I captured this ship off in the distance with my telephoto lens.

This carriage horse enjoys some time off.

The Jordan Pond Gate Lodge was built in 1932 by Grosvenor Atterbury in the tudor style.

Jordan Pond itself, one of the highlights of the park. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse is another highlight of any trip to Acadia National Park. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here I am photographing the lighthouse.

A peek inside the Carroll Homestead, a home that was passed down through several generations before being given to the National Park Service. Instead of trying to deal with the reflections, I just went with them, because I liked the hybrid look of the photo.

An unconventional selfie in the window.

I enjoyed lunch at the Asticou Inn.

A view inside the Inn.

It wouldn’t be a trip to Maine without a lobster roll!

I took this photo near the Compass Harbor Trail.

A panorama I took on the Compass Harbor Trail. Click here to order a print of this photo.

This is a panorama looking the other direction. Oddly enough, across the water there is a golf course! Click here to order a print of this photo.

What I love about the Maine coast: ocean and forest all in one! Click here to order a print of this photo.

A very foggy sunset visit to Cadillac Mountain yielded this rather abstract photo.

My dad takes in the brief appearance of the sun on Cadillac Mountain.

One of my favorite photos from my trip. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A couple enjoys the sunset, however brief it was.

Another favorite photo. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Having been so foggy the previous evening, we returned the following afternoon. Here’s a photo of my parents’ and my feet at the geographic summit.

A daytime view from the mountain looking down onto Bubble Pond. Click here to order a print of this photo.

From this vantage point you can see the town of Bar Harbor. I captured this with my telephoto lens. Click here to order a print of this photo.

This view looks down onto Bald Porcupine Island. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A night time visit to the aptly named Sand Beach yielded this night time photo. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here is a wider view from that same vantage point. The moon is shining down brightly. Click here to order a print of this photo.

A long exposure looking the other direction. Click here to order a print of this photo.

To see more of my photography be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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