Bar Harbor Bound

Let’s rewind to this past summer, when I took a trip through New England. Believe it or not, I haven’t finished blogging about that yet! I previously posted about my time in Salem, Gloucester, and the Bar Harbor sunset cruise I took. In this post I will share more photos of beautiful Bar Harbor, Maine.

Cheers to indoor dining! Cocktails and a yummy dinner at the Side Street Café.

While exploring downtown Bar Harbor, I learned that they have a pride crosswalk, just like my hometown of Saratoga Springs, NY does. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Most of the weather was foggy while I was in New England, but sometimes this makes for interesting photos. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The beautifully named Miss Samantha is a lobster fishing and seal watching boat.

This beautiful ship sits in the Bar Harbor Marina.

Another foggy marina photo.

One of my favorite photos of downtown Bar Harbor at dusk. So much fun to explore! In the middle is Geddy’s, where we enjoyed a really delicious dinner. Click here to order a print of this photo.

This is the eclectic vibe that can be found at Geddy’s.
Bar Harbor at night in the fog was a sight to see! Click here to order a print of this photo.

Here’s another shot of the same view I photographed a few hours earlier at dusk. Click here to order a print of this photo.

Life imitates art. Behind this sculpture of a lobster eating an ice cream cone, a man can be seen doing the same thing. Totally serendipitous!

Possibly my favorite shot from the night because of the way the lights look in the fog. Click here to order a print of this photo.

The Stadium looks like it is housed in an old historic building.

Another foggy evening shot. Click here to order a print of this photo.

One last evening shot. I really like this one too.

At low tide, it is possible to walk from Bar Harbor out to Bar Island on a sand bar. Pictured above are people going to and from the island.

A view on the way to Bar Island that I captured with my telephoto lens. Click here to order a print of this photo.

In the foreground, families can be seen playing on the beach, while behind them folks ride kayaks, and finally in the background looms a huge yacht.

Another view that you get on the way to Bar Island. Click here to order a print of this photo.

La Rochelle, pictured above, is an historic mansion in Bar Harbor you can tour.

Another home by the sea in Bar Harbor.

West St. in Bar Harbor has many beautiful homes on it, such as this one.

La Rochelle, which was shown in a previous photograph, is now home to Bar Harbor Historical Society. If you look through the door, you can see straight through to the ocean. The above photo is a panorama.

The back porch looks right out onto the ocean.

The indoor porch has a little desk to sit at and write while looking out at the ocean.

A peek into the living room.

Even the kitchen has a view of the ocean!

One of the bedrooms has been remade to pay tribute to the local schools, complete with pennants, trophies, photos, and varsity letters.

The back of the building that faces out to the ocean.

I enjoyed this delicious stack of pancakes at 2 Cats Restaurant.

To see more of my travel photography be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. All photos in this post © Samantha Decker and may not be reused without permission.

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